Thursday, 19 June 2014

Poetic Writing

As part of our classroom learning we are currently studying Poetic Writing. Our theme for our poems is Observing and Noticing where the children have to think in more depth about their descriptions of their objects and explain them using lots of detail.

We have recently read a poem called 'These I have loved' by Rupert Brooke and the children were to use his exemplar to guide their learning towards their own poetic piece.

Here are a few examples of poems that have been completed so far...

Things that I love

Rain free falling with a million others;  
And rainbows gliding into a pot of gold;
And wharf jumping into the refreshing cold;
With the sun setting to the ground;
And licking an ice cream round and round;
The squishy texture of a scrumptious cheese wedge;
and the joyous piggyback ride on a sledge;
The tour of the deep
expansive ocean; And the estuary repelling us from climbing up its steep
surface; and the silky smooth
coating  of a rock; And the overwhelming desire to win not lose
the game of football;
All these have been my loves.

Things that I dislike
Not a sound
nor a whimper just silence; girls follow round and round
high pitch boy band One Direction;
The bullies scowling at your correction;
Cats eating
your pet chicken; And the snores of my friends dreaming;
The sloppy slime of a slug;
And my dads revolting coffee mug;

All these have been my dislikes.

By Daniel Neal

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