Sunday, 4 May 2014

Freaky facts!

1. Did you know your finger nails grow faster in the summer then the winter.

2.Did you know there are less grains of sand in the world then stars in the sky.

3.Did you know a sneeze can travel 100 miles per hour.

4.Did you know there are 13,556,926 seconds in a year.

5.Did you know the average toilet has less bacteria than a desk.

6.Did you know Jupiter could fit about 1,000 earth's inside it.

7.Did you know a flea can jump up to 15 times it's size.

8.Did you know the Sun is 9,932 degrees Fahrenheit.

9.Did you know Mount Everest is 29,035 meters high.

10.Did you know a Dragonfly can fly up to 50 miles per hour.

11.Did you know the Earth spins at 67,000 miles per hour ever day!

12.Did you know a Yoyo was used as a weapon in the Philippine's in the sixteenth century.

13.Did you know in Kentucky, it's illegal to carry ice-cream in your back pocket.

14.Did you know the 'I'm feeling lucky' button cost Google $110 million every year.

15.Did you know that blue birds can not see blue.

16.Did you know that Coca-Cola was originally green.

17.Did you know that Maine is the only state of USA whose name has only one syllable.

18.Did you know that Americans can eat up to 18 million hot-dogs a year.

19.Did you know that watermelons can cost up to $100 dollars in Japan.

20.Did you know that in Australia Burger King is called Hungry Jack's.

21.Did you know that Ketchup was sold as a medicine in the 1930's.

22.Did you know that there are 293 ways to change for a dollar.

23.Did you know that the number Forty is the only number that has it's letter's in the ABC order.

24.Did you know that there were no red coloured M&M's in the 1976 to 1987.

25.Did you know that the great wall of China is 5,500 miles long.

  Thank you for reading. And I hope you learned something in this FREAKY FACTS article.

By Tyler






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