I apologise for the lack of blogs on my behalf lately. I have been swamped with information overload!
These past few weeks have been so much fun! We have had an array of different events happening within the school and outside of school as well.
Swimming sports were a few weeks back now but it was a great day had by all. Although the weather was miserable all of the children got involved in one way or another and made a wonderful day of it!
The week after we had a Top Team tournament in which Sport Tasman brought in a wide range of different team sports for the children to take part in, including a lot of water activities which was perfect for the hot day! All the children were very enthusiastic and enjoyed the day very much.
We also had our Tryathlon last week which was also a very energetic and crazy day! Our class did so incredibly well, I am very proud of you all for your efforts!
I want to thank those parents that came in to meet with me over the two nights of 'meet the teacher' evenings. It was great to get to know all of you and for you to be able to share your ideas for your children with me. I really appreciate you taking the time to come in.
These past couple of weeks we have been beginning to get into our normal school routine which has been lovely for the kids and myself as we have a little bit of stability in our timetable. I am still working out a few niggles here and there so by next week we will be all set and ready to learn lots!
Over the next four weeks we will be doing a non-fiction unit on the book 'Hall of Fame' by Maria Gill which will involve the children eventually creating a piece of writing that will go into a capsule to open at the next school centenary celebration. We have also started a new art piece in the class using indian ink and straws called 'blob monsters'. You can check out where we got the idea here: http://www.dailymonster.com/
Some very cool pieces to come out very soon.
During our reflection this morning (which we do every Friday) we had a discussion about what it meant to be an intermediate student at Mapua School now and all of our class said they wanted to push themselves to try new things and become positive role models and leaders in our school. I really encourage parents to talk about these aspects at home as well as we have an amazingly respectful and caring class who would make incredibly good school leaders this year and next if they push themselves and work hard at their goals.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! See you on Monday!
Miss McKenzie
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