On term one week 3 rooms 11,13 and 12 traveled from Mapua school to Parklands school by bus, Witch they have kindly let us stay from 10:30-12:15 every Thursday to cook, build, sew and learn something that we can take home after 6-7 weeks in the making, this is a year 7 and 8 privillige! (it's a cool one too!)
We travel by bus, with a lot of big fuss! We do lots of learning, but sometimes its boring! Paperwork! Sorting! Bending and sawing! mix it to mush! Then get out the brush.
Monday, 31 March 2014
Water swirls and grabs at my exposed feet.
I continue onwards, deeper deeper. My feet leave the sooty muddy bottom.
I push off and slide through the glassy water like a penguin on ice reeds threaten to pull me under, tangling and wrenching on my ankles. I pull away. I let myself relax.
I lie face up, clouds race across the sky. I feel the stiffness leave my muscles. I close my eyes and let the water lap at my sides.
By Olivia
(Weekly challenge poem written about a photo she was given)
I continue onwards, deeper deeper. My feet leave the sooty muddy bottom.
I push off and slide through the glassy water like a penguin on ice reeds threaten to pull me under, tangling and wrenching on my ankles. I pull away. I let myself relax.
I lie face up, clouds race across the sky. I feel the stiffness leave my muscles. I close my eyes and let the water lap at my sides.
By Olivia
(Weekly challenge poem written about a photo she was given)
Sunday, 30 March 2014
How to dress up as Harry Potter
How to dress up as Harry Potter
Hi my name is Tyler, and this is my guide to dressing up as Harry Potter, right then lets get started!
Step 1)
Now lets learn a little bit about Harry shall we? Right, well, as you probably know Harry Potter stars in the hit film Harry Potter. He plays the lead role as this boy that has survived by being hit by the most deadly spell ever in the books and then gets a lighting scar on his head. He is famous but doesn't know it! That all changes when he gets a letter to Hogwarts where he comes across all sorts of things that he and his friends (Hermione and Ron) have to face .
So now you know a little bit about Harry Potter so, so far you can tell that Harry has a lighting scar on his head and that he has some friends Hermione and Ron. As you know I have done a guide on both Hermione and Ron and they are all pretty similar to each other, he is also in the same house as Hermione and Ron look all very kind of alike, in a way, well at least the boys do! They all go to Hogwarts and are all around the same age (just about).
Step 2)
Now we know a little about Harry, so now I'm going to tell what he wears and these things you can probably find around the house:
1. A wand (this can be stick from the garden)
2. Long black pants
3. A white collared shirt
4. A tie (red and gold striped)
5. Black socks
6. Black shoes
7. A black jacket (if you like)
I hope you enjoyed this guide for how to dress up as Harry Potter
By Tyler.
Hi my name is Tyler, and this is my guide to dressing up as Harry Potter, right then lets get started!
Step 1)
Now lets learn a little bit about Harry shall we? Right, well, as you probably know Harry Potter stars in the hit film Harry Potter. He plays the lead role as this boy that has survived by being hit by the most deadly spell ever in the books and then gets a lighting scar on his head. He is famous but doesn't know it! That all changes when he gets a letter to Hogwarts where he comes across all sorts of things that he and his friends (Hermione and Ron) have to face .
So now you know a little bit about Harry Potter so, so far you can tell that Harry has a lighting scar on his head and that he has some friends Hermione and Ron. As you know I have done a guide on both Hermione and Ron and they are all pretty similar to each other, he is also in the same house as Hermione and Ron look all very kind of alike, in a way, well at least the boys do! They all go to Hogwarts and are all around the same age (just about).
Step 2)
Now we know a little about Harry, so now I'm going to tell what he wears and these things you can probably find around the house:
1. A wand (this can be stick from the garden)
2. Long black pants
3. A white collared shirt
4. A tie (red and gold striped)
5. Black socks
6. Black shoes
7. A black jacket (if you like)
I hope you enjoyed this guide for how to dress up as Harry Potter
By Tyler.
How to dress up as Ron Weasley
How to dress up as Ron Weasley
Hi my name is Tyler, and this is my guide to dressing up as Ron Weasley!
Step 1)
Now you're going to need to know a little bit about Ron, well as most of you know Ron's best friends are Harry and Hermione. Ron has 3 brothers and 1 sister. They are very poor. They have a stay at home mum and their dad goes to work. They all have ginger hair. And some of his brothers are very cheeky and naughty but altogether they are a get supportive full family and I think they are a family to look up to.
Well now you know a little bit about Ron and that they have ginger hair they are cheeky and naughty and had some ups and downs through the years.
Step 2)
Now you've learned a little bit about Ron and his family, it's time to start the dress - ups. Now I'm going to tell you some different ways to dress up as Ron, these things can be found around the house and outside in the garden too! First things first:
1. A black pair of pants (you can maybe rub a bit of white chalk to make it look old -but cheek with your parents- also remember to blend it in properly to make sure it doesn't look odd or anything like that.
2. A white collared shirt.
3. A black pair of socks (you can do the following up top)
4. A black pair of shoes (you can do the following up top)
5. A tie (with red and gold strips)(you can make this look old too)
6. If you have blond hair, then you buy some hair color orange colored and then you will fit right in and people will know by far who you are!
I hope you enjoyed this guide thank you for read
By Tyler
Hi my name is Tyler, and this is my guide to dressing up as Ron Weasley!
Step 1)
Now you're going to need to know a little bit about Ron, well as most of you know Ron's best friends are Harry and Hermione. Ron has 3 brothers and 1 sister. They are very poor. They have a stay at home mum and their dad goes to work. They all have ginger hair. And some of his brothers are very cheeky and naughty but altogether they are a get supportive full family and I think they are a family to look up to.
Well now you know a little bit about Ron and that they have ginger hair they are cheeky and naughty and had some ups and downs through the years.
Step 2)
Now you've learned a little bit about Ron and his family, it's time to start the dress - ups. Now I'm going to tell you some different ways to dress up as Ron, these things can be found around the house and outside in the garden too! First things first:
1. A black pair of pants (you can maybe rub a bit of white chalk to make it look old -but cheek with your parents- also remember to blend it in properly to make sure it doesn't look odd or anything like that.
2. A white collared shirt.
3. A black pair of socks (you can do the following up top)
4. A black pair of shoes (you can do the following up top)
5. A tie (with red and gold strips)(you can make this look old too)
6. If you have blond hair, then you buy some hair color orange colored and then you will fit right in and people will know by far who you are!
I hope you enjoyed this guide thank you for read
By Tyler
How to dress up as Hermione Granger
How to dress up as Hermione Granger
Hi my names Tyler and this is my guide to dress up as Hermione Granger!
Step 1)
First you are going to need a great knowledge of Harry Potter books or movies that is a great way of getting to picture or watch what they might wear in this case it's a girl. She's not a girly girl at all! I can tell you that for a start. Well she loves books and all that sort of stuff. I can also tell you that she's kind of a nerd or geek in a way. She also has some best friends Ron and Harry I have also done both Ron and Harry a guide. Yes, the first step, so now you know a little bit about Hermione.
Step 2)
So now you know a little bit about her, anyway so lets get in to the good stuff! Now most of this stuff you will find are home and probably a little bit will be bot if you want. I will show you how to make it cheap, quick and fun!
First you are going to need to find :
1. A black or grey skirt (black looks better)
2. A white collared shirt
3. A maroon vest (if you can't find one then just were a little black jacket)
4. A knee high socks or stockings black or navy blue (black is better)
5. A wand (which can just be a stick found outside)
6. A ballet flats (black)
7. A tie with red and gold strips if you are dressing up as a different house color then change the color to blue, yellow or green
8. A badge that has the house on it (you can print this off the internet and then sew it on, or you can pin it with a safety pin
9. A witch hat (that's only if you want to have it on)
10. Now your all done hope you enjoyed it!
By Tyler
Hi my names Tyler and this is my guide to dress up as Hermione Granger!
Step 1)
First you are going to need a great knowledge of Harry Potter books or movies that is a great way of getting to picture or watch what they might wear in this case it's a girl. She's not a girly girl at all! I can tell you that for a start. Well she loves books and all that sort of stuff. I can also tell you that she's kind of a nerd or geek in a way. She also has some best friends Ron and Harry I have also done both Ron and Harry a guide. Yes, the first step, so now you know a little bit about Hermione.
Step 2)
So now you know a little bit about her, anyway so lets get in to the good stuff! Now most of this stuff you will find are home and probably a little bit will be bot if you want. I will show you how to make it cheap, quick and fun!
First you are going to need to find :
1. A black or grey skirt (black looks better)
2. A white collared shirt
3. A maroon vest (if you can't find one then just were a little black jacket)
4. A knee high socks or stockings black or navy blue (black is better)
5. A wand (which can just be a stick found outside)
6. A ballet flats (black)
7. A tie with red and gold strips if you are dressing up as a different house color then change the color to blue, yellow or green
8. A badge that has the house on it (you can print this off the internet and then sew it on, or you can pin it with a safety pin
9. A witch hat (that's only if you want to have it on)
10. Now your all done hope you enjoyed it!
By Tyler
Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Out of the kitchen comes smells so sweet
As we sit on the beach in the scorching heat
Here in Samoa we wait and anticipate
What this man will serve on our plate
Will it be mussels, crabs, prawns or fish?
Our mouths are watering as we wait for our dish
The smells are colourful, sweet and sour
It feels like I've been waiting hour upon hour
Finally our meal gets served
And delicious is the word deserved
By Finn Bruce (Room 12)
Monday, 24 March 2014
Weekly challenge number six.
My night had gone horribly. I work from seven pm to five am. My boss had dumped a whole lot of papers on my desk for me to fill out and I only did ¼ of them. And to make things worse I was probably going to fired tomorrow. Anyway I was on my way home work, and I walked past the dairy. I remembered I had a lotto ticket in my pocket and i forgot to watch the tv to see what the numbers were ,so I went inside to get them checked.I was hoping for at least 30 dollars. The woman behind the counter looked at me and grinned. “I think you just won 50 million dollars for the day”
The lady said to me calmly.
“Pardon?” I thought I miss heard her.
“You just won 50 million dollars for the day” she repeated.
Ihalf skipped half ran home. My house wasn’t that far away from the dairy. Once I got inside and closed the door I yelled so loudly people at the dairy could probably here me. It was a happy yell though. I forgot my flatmates were probably still asleep.OPPS. Emily one of my flatmates was up though.
“Guess what” I whispered to Emily
“I just won 50 million dollars for the day.”
She let a small scream too. It wasn’t as big as my scream though, but it was a reasonable scream. Lia came into the hallway in her dressing gown “what’s going on”, she asked in a sleepy voice “Rhea just won 50 million dollars for the day!” Emily said so fast you almost couldn’t her. Suddenly Lia looked more alive than ever. “Really” she said
“Yep” I said.
“What are you going to do with the money?” asked Lia.
“Well I’m going to send mum on a trip to the Amalfi coast, send dad on a trip to England to see his family, and Oscar will go to Miami and train for tennis.”
“But what are you going to do for your self?” Emily asked me.
I had to think about it for awhile. After about 5 minutes I said,
“We can go on a trip around the world I’ll pay for it now and we can go later.”
“Are you going to spend any of it today?” Lia asked me.
“OF COURSE!!!” I said.
I had a shower got dressed then I came back into the kitchen.
“So does anybody want to come to town with me” I asked,
“OF COURSE WE DO” they both said. So after breakfast we all got into my car which was a lime green Subaru. then we drove into town. I went into Jayjays and Pagani then we had a small snack for morning tea.Then we went to Glassons and Diva Before lunch. Then after lunch Supre, Hannahs and a jewellery shop to get a Pandora charm bracelet. On the way back we stopped at car dealer shop. I looked through loads of cars. In the end I couldn’t decided between a Porsche and ferrari so I got both, and I gave them my old car. I told them to deliver the Ferrari to my address and I drove the Porsche home.
I stayed up till 11:59 planning the trip for my mum, my dad, my brother and me Emily, Lia and me.And finally I fell asleep.
By Rhea. Room 12
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Week Seven
Just a quick post this week. It has been a very full on week in Room 12. We have been busy trying to get lots of things finished and accomplished that today! WOOHOO!!
The kids have been absolute delights this week. Congratulations to all of those that got fuzzies today for being awesome students in our classroom and around the school (Chloe and Ben C got my awards today for giving 100% in their work all week!)
We have just finished doing our blob art which looks awesome up on the wall! Our class is starting to look like a real classroom now, all decorated and cool.
Our buntings are also up on the wall and looking very rad!
Next week, as explained to the kids, is a very busy week as we have a lot of people coming in to visit so will be out of the classroom quite a bit. We will need to be very flexible :)
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! See you all on Monday :)
Miss McKenzie
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Getting into the swing of things!
Kia ora whanau!
I apologise for the lack of blogs on my behalf lately. I have been swamped with information overload!
These past few weeks have been so much fun! We have had an array of different events happening within the school and outside of school as well.
Swimming sports were a few weeks back now but it was a great day had by all. Although the weather was miserable all of the children got involved in one way or another and made a wonderful day of it!
The week after we had a Top Team tournament in which Sport Tasman brought in a wide range of different team sports for the children to take part in, including a lot of water activities which was perfect for the hot day! All the children were very enthusiastic and enjoyed the day very much.
We also had our Tryathlon last week which was also a very energetic and crazy day! Our class did so incredibly well, I am very proud of you all for your efforts!
I want to thank those parents that came in to meet with me over the two nights of 'meet the teacher' evenings. It was great to get to know all of you and for you to be able to share your ideas for your children with me. I really appreciate you taking the time to come in.
These past couple of weeks we have been beginning to get into our normal school routine which has been lovely for the kids and myself as we have a little bit of stability in our timetable. I am still working out a few niggles here and there so by next week we will be all set and ready to learn lots!
Over the next four weeks we will be doing a non-fiction unit on the book 'Hall of Fame' by Maria Gill which will involve the children eventually creating a piece of writing that will go into a capsule to open at the next school centenary celebration. We have also started a new art piece in the class using indian ink and straws called 'blob monsters'. You can check out where we got the idea here:
Some very cool pieces to come out very soon.
Our Financial Literacy maths topic is in full motion now which has been a great learning experience for the children so far. They are all really passionate about learning how to manage their money, work for their money and to problem solve when they feel they may not meet expectations or time restrictions.
During our reflection this morning (which we do every Friday) we had a discussion about what it meant to be an intermediate student at Mapua School now and all of our class said they wanted to push themselves to try new things and become positive role models and leaders in our school. I really encourage parents to talk about these aspects at home as well as we have an amazingly respectful and caring class who would make incredibly good school leaders this year and next if they push themselves and work hard at their goals.
I have a great feeling about what our class can achieve this year!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! See you on Monday!
Miss McKenzie
I apologise for the lack of blogs on my behalf lately. I have been swamped with information overload!
These past few weeks have been so much fun! We have had an array of different events happening within the school and outside of school as well.
Swimming sports were a few weeks back now but it was a great day had by all. Although the weather was miserable all of the children got involved in one way or another and made a wonderful day of it!
The week after we had a Top Team tournament in which Sport Tasman brought in a wide range of different team sports for the children to take part in, including a lot of water activities which was perfect for the hot day! All the children were very enthusiastic and enjoyed the day very much.
We also had our Tryathlon last week which was also a very energetic and crazy day! Our class did so incredibly well, I am very proud of you all for your efforts!
I want to thank those parents that came in to meet with me over the two nights of 'meet the teacher' evenings. It was great to get to know all of you and for you to be able to share your ideas for your children with me. I really appreciate you taking the time to come in.
These past couple of weeks we have been beginning to get into our normal school routine which has been lovely for the kids and myself as we have a little bit of stability in our timetable. I am still working out a few niggles here and there so by next week we will be all set and ready to learn lots!
Over the next four weeks we will be doing a non-fiction unit on the book 'Hall of Fame' by Maria Gill which will involve the children eventually creating a piece of writing that will go into a capsule to open at the next school centenary celebration. We have also started a new art piece in the class using indian ink and straws called 'blob monsters'. You can check out where we got the idea here:
Some very cool pieces to come out very soon.
During our reflection this morning (which we do every Friday) we had a discussion about what it meant to be an intermediate student at Mapua School now and all of our class said they wanted to push themselves to try new things and become positive role models and leaders in our school. I really encourage parents to talk about these aspects at home as well as we have an amazingly respectful and caring class who would make incredibly good school leaders this year and next if they push themselves and work hard at their goals.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! See you on Monday!
Miss McKenzie
best sleepover ever!
My guide to have the best sleepover ever!
Hi this is my guide to hosting the best sleepover ever that everyone will be talking about all year long!
Step 1)
Check with your parents that you can have a sleepover. If they say no then don't read this article.
Step 2)
Write invitations to your guests. You could also chat at school, ring on a phone, email, write a letter too or just stick to what you are doing.
Step 3)
Plan where you are going to sleep with your friends. My advice is that you sleep away from your parents and your siblings room, if you have one. So the best place is...the living room so you can sleep on the couch, watch T.V and even crank up the music and sing and talk loudly without parents knowing. You can eat chips, have a pillow fight, paint your nails and much more! Don't let your parents and your siblings ruin your sleepover and plan places that your siblings can't enter. RESTRICTED ZONE!!!
Step 4)
As I said, in your awesome space you are going to need food. Now everyone knows a girl or boy gets hungry so my idea is you get some plastic cups, you can buy them at the supermarket along with lollies to go in your cup and drinks. Maybe some healthy snacks such as dip and some carrots and celery and maybe if you're allowed, some chips and popcorn for the night. Movie time and hot chocolate or some sort of hot drink that you and your friend may like and....don't forget to be responsible!
Step 5)
Get everything sorted for your sleepover and don't forget to chill. I know waiting is torture to us but believe me, you can use it up in no time flat. Get drinks ready, place all your movies out, get your sleeping place ready. Talk to your siblings and say we're off limits. Maybe set up some magazines if you enjoy reading them but really its up to you!
Step 6)
Welcome your guests into your house and show them the place where they will be sleeping and where to put their bags and then its up to you for what you would like to do. I would probably sit down and gossip, talk and have a real catch up chat. Once you have done that you can play games on an electronic device or even run through the things you'll get up to during that super fun night. Then of course its DINNER. Pizza is one of the best dinners ever because you can make own and if there are any leftovers they are great for lunch the next day. Just don't forget the drinks. Then its movie time. Lots of people enjoy watching Harry Potter but its up to you to choose.
Step 7)
Now this is where the fun comes in, now the first thing that you want to do is work out whose sleeping where? Once you have done that you can say what you are going to do. But just be quiet so nobody hears you...just your friends.
Step 8)
If you have a movie or a program that you wish to watch get started straight after DINNER. Its time for bed. Now don't get everything out at once, wait until the coast is clear and then crank up the music or whatever you are doing first. Party all night long but don't forget to sleep a little.
Step 9)
In the morning make pancakes or do something that you will all enjoy. And after that, it may sound boring but tidy up. But at least after breakfast. Then make the most of your friends as they will be leaving soon. When your friends go don't show off to there parents or anything like that, keep it calm and cool and chill out. But right when your friends are walking out of the door tell them not to tell a soul to their parents what you have been doing that night because if their parents find out then they might not be able to come again so tell them to ZIP it.
Thank you for taking the time to read my Guide to have an awesome sleepover.
By Tyler Wilson Rm 12
finished on the 12.3.2014
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Swimming sports!
The clod splashes on my face, the cold breeze go's right to my spine as I hop in the pool shove on my goggles and get in my starting position.
''On three Mr Clearwater says''
" We all shout YES'
" Right then you will hear a loud bang like this and he banged his starting gun and the sound of a loud bang filled our ears''
'' ok then o three ONE,TWO,THREE BANG!!!
Everyone pushed off and in a short time later... we suddenly thump our hands on the side of the pool. Yay, we reached the end of the pool! Some people got a little piece of wood with the numbers saying 1st, 2nd or 3rd. At the end of the pool there are these ladies sitting in chairs and asking what colour house we are in, then we each get 1 point for giving it a great try, and then the people with 1st, 2nd or 3rd places get… 1st place gets 5 points, 2nd place gets 4 points, 3rd place gets 3 points. Then we go and dry off and cheer all the other people on for their races and at very end of the day we see some of the teachers race in chairs while some of the year 8 students have to carry them to the end of the pool, that sounds like hard work. And towards the end of the day we find out who has won and of all the houses blue, yellow, green and the best house yet RED!!! And from judging from the race I think yellow house won. Then we all go home and then chill out until the next day on school comes around again. But the really awesome thing is that the same thing happens every year and you can do it all again and try and win those points for your house, and some day you might be able to carry the teacher on the chair and be the loud and proud people for your house.
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
On the 25Th February 2014 Sport Tasman came to Mapua school, to have a day of fun with the intermediate team ( years 5, 6, 7 and 8, ) with wet games, dry games and much more. Throughout the day rotations of about 7-8 games to play with your groups that you have been given at the start of the day.
All day for everyone,
Buckets of water and fun!
shout outs to super hero's, countdowns on 3 2 1!
*The slippery slide!
*The water castle!
*the water tubes!
*the wheel burrow races!
*jack pot!
*Bridge building!
*Hula Hooper's!
*waka waka row row!
Bombs away!
From 10:40-2:20 a whole day of fun for everyone to enjoy.
All day for everyone,
Buckets of water and fun!
shout outs to super hero's, countdowns on 3 2 1!
*The slippery slide!
*the water tubes!
*the wheel burrow races!
*jack pot!
*Bridge building!
*Hula Hooper's!
*waka waka row row!
Bombs away!
From 10:40-2:20 a whole day of fun for everyone to enjoy.
Saturday, 1 March 2014
Week Three
What a week it was!
First of all I want to say a big thank you to everyone that came in for our 'Meet the Teacher' evenings. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you all! I know that this year is going to be a great year.
At the end of week two we had our senior school Swimming Sports which went off with a bang. We have incredibly impressive swimmers in our class and every single one of you impressed me with not only your swimming but with your supportive encouragement on the side of the pool. It showed how well all of you can get along and look after one another.
It was a great day and we even have some of our swimmers going off to the Motueka Swimming sports on Monday which will be great fun! I thoroughly enjoyed helping yellow house complete a well earned victory in the teacher race! We did NOT cheat! :D
This week at school we have had a few more interruptions to our weekly schedule, but this also gave the students opportunities to try some new games and sports in the afternoon blocks. On Tuesday we had Top Team, where we all got to go out and try some new sports. I am looking forward to Tyler and Izaak's blog posts on these later in the week. We also were able to have some Year 8 lead sports on the Thursday afternoon which was a wonderful time to see the leaders of the school step up and show how responsible they can be. I cannot wait to see you all doing things like that!
This week we have the Tryathlon on Friday which will be a wonderful whole school sporting event. Please make sure you bring your togs/towel, bike and running gear for this event. Also remember to smother yourselves in sunblock and bring plenty of food and water! It will be a long day!
We will be slowly getting a normal routine this week of classroom activities so be prepared to wear your learning caps all week long!
I cannot wait to read all of your ideas in your homework tomorrow. Keep up the amazing work team!!
Miss McKenzie
First of all I want to say a big thank you to everyone that came in for our 'Meet the Teacher' evenings. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you all! I know that this year is going to be a great year.
At the end of week two we had our senior school Swimming Sports which went off with a bang. We have incredibly impressive swimmers in our class and every single one of you impressed me with not only your swimming but with your supportive encouragement on the side of the pool. It showed how well all of you can get along and look after one another.
It was a great day and we even have some of our swimmers going off to the Motueka Swimming sports on Monday which will be great fun! I thoroughly enjoyed helping yellow house complete a well earned victory in the teacher race! We did NOT cheat! :D
This week at school we have had a few more interruptions to our weekly schedule, but this also gave the students opportunities to try some new games and sports in the afternoon blocks. On Tuesday we had Top Team, where we all got to go out and try some new sports. I am looking forward to Tyler and Izaak's blog posts on these later in the week. We also were able to have some Year 8 lead sports on the Thursday afternoon which was a wonderful time to see the leaders of the school step up and show how responsible they can be. I cannot wait to see you all doing things like that!
This week we have the Tryathlon on Friday which will be a wonderful whole school sporting event. Please make sure you bring your togs/towel, bike and running gear for this event. Also remember to smother yourselves in sunblock and bring plenty of food and water! It will be a long day!
We will be slowly getting a normal routine this week of classroom activities so be prepared to wear your learning caps all week long!
I cannot wait to read all of your ideas in your homework tomorrow. Keep up the amazing work team!!
Miss McKenzie
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