We did a lot of getting to know you activities, a few mind boggling riddles and a great class game which got highly competitive!
I just want to say thank you to everyone for your positivity and patience with me today as I was too excited for words. I cannot wait to get into next week and have a full week of learning with all of you.
What to look forward to next week:
- We have class photos on Tuesday, so please make sure you are looking sharp and bring your beautiful smiles along with you to school that day!
- We will possibly be swimming everyday next week to practise for swimming sports which will be held the following Friday, so please bring your togs and towel ready for this just in case.
- We will be doing lots of hands on sewing every afternoon, so parents, if you are free after 1.25pm to lend a helping hand that would be much appreciated.
- There will be a permission and information notice coming home on Monday regarding MOTEC (Technology learning at Motueka High). Please can you make sure that this comes back to school signed before Thursday to ensure that you can all go!
Good luck with your weekend challenge and with trying to figure out our puzzling riddle! I look forward to seeing all of your treats that you bring with you on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend everyone! See you next week, willing and ready to learn :)
Miss McKenzie
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